Who we are

As positive dog trainers our mission is to teach our friends through understanding and awareness with no force or threats, making sure that we set them up for success and to be the wonderful friend and companion that they are by creating a positive association with a wanted behaviour.

We categorically do not use any aversive tools such as punishment, force, shock collars, choke chains, prong collars and anything that would inflict pain or stress.

Positive refers to a process of reinforcing and rewarding the desirable behaviour with something that brings your dog pleasure such as food, toys, nature’s rewards in order to increase the likelihood of that behaviour repeating again. It is adding something desirable and pleasurable in response to the wanted behaviour.

PACT and ABTC (Animal Behaviour and Training Council) set and maintain standards of knowledge and practical skills needed to be an animal trainer, training instructor or animal technician/behaviourist and maintain the national register of appropriately assessed practitioners.

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